Physical & Health Education 8: Monday March 30
Hi PE 8's
Hope you guys are all healthy and well! I'm not sure how this is all going to work out, we (the teachers) will figure this all out in the next few days. In the mean time I am hoping you can do the following: on the days we have PE in our normal schedule could you please keep a journal of what you are doing (I will give lots of options below), time spent and your heart rate (I will take you through how to measure below), also include your RPE (rate of perceived exertion) see graphic below.
Some ideas for this week:
-go for a jog/run (aim for 25-30 min)
-go for a walk (aim for min 45 min)
-go for a bike ride (aim for min 45 min)
-go for a nordic ski
-go for a snow shoe
-do a pyramid work out:
(warm up: skipping, jogging, active/dynamic stretching)
5 burpies
10 push ups
15 mountain climbers
20 squats
25 crunches/sit ups
30 jumping jacks
-check heart rate: see below
30 jumping jacks
25 crunches/sit ups
20 squats
15 mountain climbers
10 push ups
5 burpies
(cool down
-do yoga here is a link to several free practices:
-download peloton free for 90 days several different workouts here app:
-download nike training app free, several workouts here:
How to check your heart rate:
-use carotid artery...find by taking middle and index finger and draw a line down from next to your eye down below jaw bone, press and you should feel your pulse....count pulse for 15 seconds, write this down, your actual heart rate is this number multiplied by four so you get a bpm (beats per minute). Write this down in your journal.

Hope you guys are all healthy and well! I'm not sure how this is all going to work out, we (the teachers) will figure this all out in the next few days. In the mean time I am hoping you can do the following: on the days we have PE in our normal schedule could you please keep a journal of what you are doing (I will give lots of options below), time spent and your heart rate (I will take you through how to measure below), also include your RPE (rate of perceived exertion) see graphic below.
Some ideas for this week:
-go for a jog/run (aim for 25-30 min)
-go for a walk (aim for min 45 min)
-go for a bike ride (aim for min 45 min)
-go for a nordic ski
-go for a snow shoe
-do a pyramid work out:
(warm up: skipping, jogging, active/dynamic stretching)
5 burpies
10 push ups
15 mountain climbers
20 squats
25 crunches/sit ups
30 jumping jacks
-check heart rate: see below
30 jumping jacks
25 crunches/sit ups
20 squats
15 mountain climbers
10 push ups
5 burpies
(cool down
-do yoga here is a link to several free practices:
-download peloton free for 90 days several different workouts here app:
-download nike training app free, several workouts here:
How to check your heart rate:
-use carotid artery...find by taking middle and index finger and draw a line down from next to your eye down below jaw bone, press and you should feel your pulse....count pulse for 15 seconds, write this down, your actual heart rate is this number multiplied by four so you get a bpm (beats per minute). Write this down in your journal.

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