Superfit - Monday April 6

Hey Superfitters,
This week your work outs are as follows:
-x-training - choose your own adventure (remember this should compliment whatever other training you are doing) (post what you do and your time in the comments section if you want)

-use one of the apps or try one of the free yoga classes here: I really liked the yoga for runners.  (FYI restorative is slower, hold poses longer)

We will have a short check in either on Friday or early next week.  Watch for a meeting in your teams account.
Hope you are well.  I am missing the weekly workouts with you guys.  ~ Ms. v. B/ Kendra

If you need more inspiration to do workouts check out the PE departments Workout of the Day (WOD) there is a link off the RSS website or link here:


  1. Joe:
    30 spin bike "hill climbing"; intensity 7/10
    20 minutes; 45s on 15s off:
    iron cross
    45' bicep curls
    bat wings
    tricep curls
    push ups

    source: studio SWEAT


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