Missing Field Trip to Peak Axe Throwing

As you either don't have your permission slip signed, you are late or you are missing our field trip to Peak Axe throwing you are expected to complete the following assignment.  Axe throwing is part of logger sports and people participate in logger sports on many continents.

Your assignment is to research logger sports, the history behind it, the various events and venues.  Logger sports not only has a rich history in Canada but also in Revelstoke.  Create a pamphlet that includes the history, the different events, what the events are and look like (picture or description) and who the current Canadian champion for that particular event is.  Include a section on communities in BC that host logger sports including dates.  Also a section of where else in the world one can participate in logger sports.  Finally if you were going to volunteer or participate in logger sports in Revelstoke what would you do, who would you contact and how can you get involved.

Please note the Canadian Logger Sports Association will be helpful.  Also know that people that participate are sometimes referred to as Lumberjacks and Lumberjills.

Ensure you include a list of your sources.
Please hand in your pamphlet and notes to Mr. Wilson when you leave at lunch.


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