Active Living 9/10 Course Outline

Active Living 9/10
Teacher:  Ms. von Bremen
Blocks:  5, 6
Blog Address:

Active for Life 9/10 will follow the ministry guidelines for Physical Education 9/10 but with a less competitive feel.  I am hoping that together with the students in the class we can conduct a course that they will have some ownership of while creating an appreciation of life long skills and participation in active living. 

The curricular competencies for Physical and Health Education can be found at:

Class Guidelines & Expectations:

*Students come to class prepared in PE strip or appropriate clothing for the activity of the day.  PE strip includes:
-Clean indoor non-marking running shoes
-A second old pair of running shoes for outside activities
-shorts (of appropriate length)
-long sleeves or sweatshirt for when it is colder outside
We will be outside in all sorts of weather, and students need to be ready to participate in the elements, be it rain, snow or sun.

*Students are required an Active Living Log book, please bring a duotang to class (I will store them in the PE office) to use as your log.  This will be part of your evaluation each term.

*Students will be ready to go in their PE strip at the start of class, if they are late a late slip will need to be provided

*Students must treat each other and the teacher with respect and honesty.  The golden rule of treat others how one wishes to be treated is a good one to remember!

*Students come to class ready to participate and learn with a positive attitude.

*Please leave valuables in your locker.  We are not responsible for keeping your belongings safe.

*Students are expected to act responsibly and in a safe manor when in PE class:  inside, outside or in the community.  Abuse of self, classmates, equipment or facilities will not be tolerated and may result in a withdrawal from the class.

*Personal music devices and phones are not part of our PE class unless directed by the teacher.  Personal music devices are okay with headphones only during certain fitness activities. 

How to be successful in Active Living 9/10:
-come prepared with a positive attitude
-demonstrate a positive attitude towards all activities the class is participating in
-come to class prepared to participate (including appropriate PE strip/clothing for the activity)
-come to class on time
-be supportive and positive to your fellow students
-act in a safe and appropriate manor
-demonstrate a willingness to try new (and old) activities
-demonstrate a willingness to improve skills, fitness etc…
-Have FUN!

Your evaluation in this class will be based on (CAPE) cooperation, attitude, participation and effort.  As well as skills, fitness and application and understanding of the various training priniciples.

Participation is the main part of PE and Active Living.  If you are unable to participate due to medical issues a note is needed from parent or guardian and your doctor especially if it is an extended or long term medical issue.  If you are unable to participate, you will be asked to be in the office and working on other school work or an Active Living assignment where appropriate.  If you are away from class/school parents/guardians must call into the school to excuse their student’s absence.  Unexcused absences count against a student’s evaluation.

PE Activities will occur off school grounds:
Students are expected to stay in groups of at least two.  A buddy system is consistently used for all off grounds activities.  Students are expected to act responsibly and represent our school in a positive and respectful fashion.  Students should remain within a reasonable distance to the teacher, but at times it will be necessary that students will not always be within eye sight.  Teachers will do headcounts upon return to the class or destination.  If students do not return in the prescribed time, the office will be notified to determine the appropriate action to be taken.

Please sign and return the permission form on the next page:


I am aware there will be occasions when my son/daughter will be on fitness runs, walks and activities around Revelstoke.  I give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in said fitness activities off school grounds.  It is important to us that you as a parent/guardian have had the opportunity to read this outline and be aware of the various activities your student will be involved in.  Please sign below to let us know that you have read and gone over the outline with your student and give your student permission to participate in various PE activities.  Separate permission forms will not be required unless the class trip entails travel out of town or overnight.  If you have questions please feel free to contact me via email or at the school:  250-837-2173

Student name:  _________________________    Date:  __________________________

Student signature:  ______________________

Please note any pertinent medical information or anything else that the teacher should know about or be aware of: 


Parent or Guardian Name: _____________________________

Parent or Guardian Signature:  _________________________

Parent or Guardian Phone number:  _____________________


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